Why Inspection ?

Get value for your money through Kriispr Inspection Process.

Why Inspection

Refurbished medical equipment inspection is of utmost importance as per the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for several reasons. When medical equipment is refurbished, it goes through a rigorous inspection process to ensure it meets the necessary quality and safety standards set by the OEM. Here are some key reasons why inspection is crucial:
Patient Safety: The primary concern in the medical field is patient safety. Refurbished medical equipment that has undergone thorough inspection ensures that it is in proper working condition, reducing the risk of malfunctions or errors during patient treatment and diagnosis.
Compliance with OEM Standards: The OEM sets specific standards and guidelines for their equipment’s operation and maintenance. During the inspection, the refurbished equipment is checked to ensure that it adheres to these standards, which helps maintain the equipment’s reliability and performance.
Equipment Longevity: Regular inspection and maintenance of refurbished medical equipment enhance its lifespan. By identifying and rectifying any issues early on, potential breakdowns or costly repairs can be avoided, extending the equipment’s usefulness.
Accurate Functionality: Refurbished equipment often undergoes repairs and replacement of worn-out parts. Through inspection, the equipment’s functionality is verified, ensuring that it operates accurately and consistently, providing reliable results for medical professionals.

Warranty Compliance: Many refurbished medical equipment warranties depend on regular inspections and maintenance being performed as per the OEM’s guidelines. Compliance with these inspections is essential to maintain the warranty coverage and support in case any issues arise.
Regulatory Compliance: Healthcare facilities are subject to various regulations and standards. Proper inspection and adherence to OEM guidelines help medical organizations remain compliant with these regulatory requirements.
Reputation and Trust: Healthcare institutions build their reputation on the quality of care they provide. By using properly inspected and maintained refurbished medical equipment, they demonstrate their commitment to patient safety and high standards of care.
Cost-Effectiveness: Refurbished medical equipment can be a cost-effective alternative to purchasing brand-new devices. However, to ensure that the savings do not compromise patient safety or equipment performance, inspection is vital.
Continuous Improvement: Through inspection, feedback on equipment performance can be gathered. This data can be used to improve future versions of the equipment or to enhance refurbishment processes.


Check for damage caused in shipping or anything that  will affect the safe operation of the equipment.  Insure that all parts are present.

Follow instructions for putting equipment into safe operation. Complete any warranty and registration forms and send to manufacturer.  A copy of any warranty or registration form and the manufacturers warranty

Risk assessment formula is explained within the Bio-Medical/Dental Equipment Management Plan Policy and Procedures document.  Preventative Maintenance cycle information should be found within the equipment’s operator’s manual.  If not, check with the equipment’s manufacturer for the information.  A copy of this form should also be sent to the appropriate Systems Coordinator, a copy is kept with the Facility Manger and the original is sent to the master file kept in the Director of Operation’s office

Tracking numbers should be obtained from the appropriate Systems Coordinator.  Each piece of equipment must be given a separate tracking number.   This number must be written on every form pertaining to this equipment.  It is very important that each piece of equipment be given a tracking number.  All preventative maintenance and equipment histories will reference this number.

The first safety inspection part of the acceptance/assessment process. Subsequent inspections will be completed as directed by the Equipment Acceptance/Assessment Form (EM Form 1).